

Secu N

2022년 7월호 |143page|ISSN 2005-6230
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2021년 정보 침해 사고 유형과 대응 현황 분석

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잡지명 Secu N 2022년 7월호
잡지사 테크월드 홈페이지

[CCTV 저널] 안전한 세상을 만들기 위해 최고의 CCTV 정보를 가장 신속하고 정확하게 전달하는 월간 매거진
Currently, unlike the old closed CCTV, IP based CCTV can be transmitted in real time from a remote location.
As a result, the CCTV market is not limited to the security field. The new security market is faced with extremely increased demands for CCTV which is expected to explode for high function technology and product convergence.
In particular, the public sector announced a plan to execute a large amount of the budget to increase the number of CCTVs and thus, government agencies are installing more CCTVs competitively.
Therefore, CCTV journal and CCTV News are willing to offer real-time i