

조사료 생산 작부체계

농경과 원예  2022년 2월 425호|3page


잡지명 농경과 원예  2022년 2월 425호
잡지사 농경과 원예(주)홈페이지
잡지소개 [농경과 원예]는 친환경농업 및 유통정보와 핵심기술, 농원 화제 등을 싣고 있는 농업인과 함께 하는 친환경 농업 전문잡지입니다.

Monthly Agriculture & Horticulture, launched in 1986 under the founding purpose of “contribute to development of the agriculture industry through discovery and dissemination of information on agricultural technology, provides the latest information on various agricultural technologies to the readers who are related to the agriculture industry. We were selected, for the first time from the agriculture sector, as the excellent magazine by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In government research on media associated with agriculture,we marked the top in magazine sales among monthly agriculture magazines in Korea. The magazine focuses on delivering information on agricultural technologies that leads to raise income of the farmers. Monthly Agriculture & Horticulture acts as a mediator between producers and consumers by showing the spending trend in agricultural products.