

BOOK SHOW -《 남자의클래식》 음악을아는남자, 외롭지않다

리더피아  2020년 9월 163호|4page


잡지명 리더피아  2020년 9월 163호
잡지사 (주)리더피아홈페이지
잡지소개 <리더피아>는 리더십에 중점을 둔 가장 오래된 잡지로 '모두가 리더 되는 세상'을 실현시키고자 하는 사명으로 풍부한 리더십 콘텐츠와 리더들의 이야기를 다룬 리더십 전문 매거진

is the oldest and leading professional monthly magazine focused on leadership to help people be a good leader in their iefld in Korea. researches and develops professional leadership contents and provides current leadership skills, issues, and the stories of recognized leaders around the world to readers. It's major target subscribers are current leaders, such as business CEO, politician, educators, and future leaders as well. has been chosen as the `Best Contests Magazine` from the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism in 2012 and 2014