


3D 프린팅 코리아  2019년 2월 55호|2page


잡지명 3D 프린팅 코리아  2019년 2월 55호
잡지사 일우디앤피홈페이지
잡지소개 <3D 프린팅 코리아>는 미래 신기술의 혁명으로 일컬어지는 [3D Printing KOREA]를 창간함으로써 글로벌 트랜드를 선도하는 미디어로 입지를 굳건히 하고 있으며, 3D 프린팅 업계의 최신 글로벌 기술 정보, 동향, 전문가 칼럼을 제공하는 전문지입니다.

Korea's representative monthly specialized magazine,

‘3D Printing KOREA’

<3D Printing KOREA> established for development of South Korea's 3D printing industry and business invigoration in July, 2014 is the nation's first national magazine only.

Monthly <3D Printing KOREA> distributes to 3D printing association members, related institute, schools and consumers through the latest global technology information, industry trend and column of specialist. In the era of digital media, <3D Printing KOREA> makes connection with readers as the fastest and most familiar media. Also various platforms offer the high quality content can be downloaded anytime anywhere.

-Received an official Commendation from the Small & Medium Business Administration in 2016