

Column_일본 호텔과 한국 호텔의 다른 점 - 시스템, 멀티태스크, 아웃소싱

호텔앤레스토랑  2016년 10월 307호|1page


잡지명 호텔앤레스토랑  2016년 10월 307호
잡지사 (주)에이치알홈페이지
잡지소개 국내외 유명 호텔을 소개하고 외식산업과 관련된 동향을 전달하고 있는 국내 유일의 호텔 및 외식산업 전문잡지

Monthly Magazine ‘Hotel & Restaurant’ was founded in April, 1991 focusing on Hotel/Restaurant/Café(HORECA) industry. Our magazine has been positioning as a global hospitality magazine presenting not only the recent trends and information on local and international Hotel, Resort, Dining-out, Cafe, Bar, Food & Beverage industry but also the mid and long-term prospect and vision.

We are the central axis of HO•RE•CA industries which are fast-growing, changed constantly, and we provide Cafe & Bar valuable articles, the most ideal advertisement on our magazine. In addition to this, we play a sincere role as the information center utilizing human/physical networks.